Negative News Article Removal

How to Remove Negative News Articles in Google

Did your or your business make headlines? Well, that might be great news!
Not always. Sometimes making headlines can be the worst possible thing for your business and reputation. Bad press is bad, but when it is available online, it is there forever, and will come up on google searches whenever anyone looks you up.

Every news outlet today has a website where all current and old news is available to the public. If you find a news source is hosting a negative, defamatory, or even false or illegitimate document about you, you need it removed.

CNN, Ney York Times, Washington Post, Fox News, Huffington Post, Vice, USA Today, Drudge Report, Time, Huff Post, CBS News, Newsweek, New York Post, Reuters, The Washington Post are sopme of the top 30 us newspapers and media outlets. They all have current and past news available online at the click of a button. If your shameful story, be it true or false, is on their page, you will have nowhere to hide. 

Your reputation is crucial to your success as an individual or business. You need those defamatory articles removed from the web ASAP.  Each news outlet has respective rules and processes for consenting to remove content. The process is complicated and often confusing.

 Need help removing content from online news outlets? reach out to us. Give us a call at 800 396 0141. We can work with you to have those defaming posts removed permanently. Content removal is our expertise. Get your shame off the web. We clean it all up. Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, whatever it is we have the tools to remove, delete, and clear all online defamation and negative reviews and claims against you. Don’t hesitate to contact us. All client information is 100% confidential. We guarantee full customer satisfaction.

Call us today for a free quote.